Monday, November 19, 2012

19 Nov 2012

Dear Family,                                                         19 Nov 2012

It’s been a great week.  Alvaro is doing well and progressing so quickly.  We're even thinking about moving his baptismal date to this Saturday.  He went to stake conference yesterday and loved it.  He said that the Jehovah’s Witnesses stopped by his house and told him that our church was deceiving but instead of getting confused and worried he bore his testimony and defended the church.  He is really great. 
Yesterday we had a really wonderful experience teaching Edelmira´s husband for the first time.  We taught the restoration and he was very attentive to every word we said.  When we repeated the 1st vision and explained how God had called a prophet again and restored his church we asked him how he felt about that.  He said, "It gives me hope knowing that there is a mediator between us and God, someone to tell us Gods will."  After inviting him to be baptized he said he wanted to read the Book of Mormon first and pray about it. Then he said, "I will tell you this.  I've been to a lot of churches my whole life.  But one time I heard some missionaries like you and when they shared their message I felt something different. It was like a burning sensation on my skin.  i never felt that anywhere else" 
The gospel is true. 
Hermana Jackson

Monday, November 5, 2012

Dear Family,                                   5 Nov 2012
It’s been good week.  But it has been really hard on my companion because she came down with a virus…poor thing.  She was in bed for a day but she is amazing because she worked really hard even when she wasn´t feeling well and I think the Lord has blessed her a lot for it.  We found a lot of new investigators and a couple of families that are really receptive to the Gospel. 
We haven´t been able to teach Edgar this week because he is in finals week and he has had a really demanding group project that conflicted with our schedule but he is still reading and very attentive and ready to keep learning.  He just finished school so now we´re are going to be able to teach him for real. 
We´re teaching another guy named Jose Alvaro who is 19 years on and is showing a lot of interest in the Gospel and he´s been praying and told us he felt like this is that path that God wants him to take.  We are excited to teach him more and guide him to baptism.  It’s just so hard getting the chance to teach these two because we can´t be alone with them and we´re constantly trying to find women in the ward that can come with us to teach him so it gets really complicated sometimes.  But it’s all worth it.  I just keep picturing these 2 as future missionaries.
And Edelmira and her children came to Church for the first time yesterday and they are a really special family.  I’ll tell you more about them next week.
Thanks for your prayers.
Love you all
Hermana Jackson