Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday, 23 April 2012

Dear Family, Monday, 23 April 2012

Luis received the priesthood yesterday. We’re going to arrange plans for him to baptize Jose Santos next week.

So as you can see in the one photos I sent, we chopped down a tree as a service project for one of the members. Her name is Rosa and you can see her in 3rd picture but the big leaf is covering her face. And yes, that is a machete in my hand. I’m smiling in the picture because I couldn’t contain my laughter because obviously I don’t know how to use a machete. But my companion sure does. She was chopping away like crazy! The first photo is of Mama and Papa Cruz, the members that live above. Mama Cruz is named Dulce which means sweet in Spanish. And that describes her perfectly. Papa Cruz or Fredi is crazy. He’s always teasing us and tries to steal our food when we’re eating. He often sings

to us “Mis queridas hijas…” translation- My dear daughters. That sounds kind of weird in English. I guess it kind of sounds weird in Spanish but that’s just the way he is. He’s a lot of fun. The lights go out a lot here in Talanga there’s a rule that we have to go home if it’s after 6 in the evening. We have a little tradition that we always go upstairs when the lights go out and Papa Cruz tells us stories from his mission. It’s great. It also helps remember how great this calling is and what a privilege it is to serve. I love this work.

Hermana Jackson

Monday 16 Apr 2012

Dear Family, 16 Apr 2012

This week Doris was baptized. She’s an older woman but she really understands the gospel and she has such a beautiful testimony. She almost wasn’t baptized because the water stopped running in the chapel and we couldn’t fill the font. We had to resort to hauling heavy buckets of water from a water tank outside. The water was kind of green and nasty but she didn’t complain. It was really great because the man who baptized her is a recent convert of Hermana Claveria. His name is German. He and his wife Lilian were baptized in February and they are absolutely amazing!!! They have really strong testimonies of the restored gospel and since their baptism they have been really active in the church. On Sundays, if German isn’t in a church meeting, he calls the missionaries to go on visits with them and Liliana is always looking for opportunities to serve in the church. I really admire the two of them. So Doris was Germans first baptism and he was super excited. He’s the one on the left in the last photo. Also we should be having a baptism next month on 5 de Mayo. His name is Jose Santos. He is 11 years old and his mom is less active but we’re hoping that the whole process of taking the lessons will help her come back to church. Both he and his mom are really excited. This week we taught him how to pray and ask if Joseph Smith was a prophet. His prayer was really cute “Dear Dios, was Joseph Smith a prophet? Yes or No? in the name of jesus Christ amen” He is a hoot.

Love you all

Hermana Jackson

Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9, 2012

Dear Family, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter! Yesterday I forgot it was Easter. First of all they don't celebrate it here but I think I was so caught up in the fact that one of our investigators was baptized this weekend! His name is Luis. He's a friend of a member and had been investigating the Church for 3 years. He was confirmed yesterday and he's really happy. Lots of members from the branch showed up to the baptism to show their support. It was really great. He has a quiet personality but he's opened up a lot and he shared his testimony at the end of his baptism and it was really powerful!

I sent a few photos of our house and views from above…also a picture of Hermana Claveria. She is from Guatemala and has about a year and a half in the church. She is sooo sweet and such a great companion.

Hope you all have a great week.


Hermana Jackson

Luis's baptism

Hermanas on staircase (I believe the one of Hermanas on the staircase was last Monday when the Mission Pres. wife had an activity with all the Hermanas. -Verla)

View from up above

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday 3 Apr 2012

Dearest Family Tuesday 3 Apr 2012

Sorry I didn’t write yesterday. We had an activity with the mission presidents wife

Sister Flores. We had to travel to Tegucigalpa and didn’t get back in time to do all our p-day stuff. So I got transfered! Right now I'm in Talanga. Its another pueblo. I actually really wanted to get transfered to this area. Partly because I heard theres a washing machine in the house but for lots of other good things I've heard to. For one thing, we live with some members that are really great. We have a seperate apartment but the shower and bathroom are a part of their garage. I don't really now how to explain it but I'll try to send a photo to show you. Anyways, the family lives above us. Mom, Dad, I'm sorry to inform you, you've been replaced. I now have Latino parents. The family that lives above are Fredi and Dulce, their daughter Jenifer and Fredi's mom Argentina. But we don't call them Fredi and Dulce because they consider us their daughters so they prefe

r that we call them Papa and Mama. They always call us their hijas. They've only been able to have one daughter but they love the missionaries and decided to adopt all of us into their home. They are the sweetest! This morning we were getting ready and we heard papa shout from above "Hiiijaas! Vengan!" We went up to see him and he had smoothies for our us. They're the best. I hope I get to stay her for some time.

Love you all!

Hermana Jackson

ps. my companion is the one on the right in the picture