Monday, January 30, 2012


Dear Family, 30 Jan 2012

Good news. The Godoy family was baptized and confirmed this weekend. Yay! It was really beautiful. It’s great because now everyone in their family is a member of the church. Hermano Godoy shared his testimony after the baptism and said “Now my family is all together and we are more united spiritually.” Another great thing that happened was that Keren (Sandra’s daughter that we had been teaching before) finally decided to be baptized and she was baptized in the same service. I’ll try to send fotos but my memory card is doing weird things again. If not this week, I’ll get them out next week. Oh, and we had an interesting incident this week. I got locked inside our bathroom on Thursday. Something in the door handle broke and I was trapped inside for about a half hour! Haha. We were really worried because we had an appointment but eventually my companion found help and I got free. That night we taught an investigator named Flor and it was a really spiritual lesson and she accepted a baptismal date! Waahooo! Maybe Satan was trying to keep us from going to that lesson so he tried locking me in the bathroom. Haha, nice try but it didn’t work!

Well, hope you all are doing well. Love you all!

Hermana Jackson

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monday 23 Jan 2012

Dear Family, 23 Jan 2012

Good news, I’m allowed to write you for 30 minutes now instead of 20.

Yay! I know it’s just 10 minutes more but it makes all the difference!

Thanks for all of your prayers for our investigators. I’m pretty

sure the Godoy family is going to baptized this Saturday. We have

seen so many miracles while teaching them. When I first met them,

Hermana Nava and I couldn’t teach Ingris (one of the daughters who is

14) because she is really shy and doesn’t like listening to the

missionaries. So the whole family is baptized except her, her younger

sister Lixi and their Dad, Mario. The past few months Mario and Lixi

have been really receptive but have had a really hard time letting go

of coffee. And Ingris hasn’t been with us at all in the lessons. A

couple of weeks ago Mario expressed his desire to see Ingris be

baptized too so we made an extra effort to get her to join us in one

of our lessons. It was kind of tricky and we had to be really careful

to not scare her away or make her feel uncomfortable but with a

balance of persistence and sensitivity we were able to gain her trust

and she’s been joining in the lessons this past week. Not only that,

but we invited her to be baptized a few days ago and she accepted!

The biggest challenge we saw was the coffee because we knew she was

the last one in the house still drinking it but we found out that

Saturday, her and Lixi said goodbye to their last cup and got rid of

all the coffee in the house. Now it’s not a temptation for anyone in

the house and they are all really excited for their baptisms! Keep

praying for them!

Denia unfortunately said she is going to move to the Laguna which is

like 30 or 40 minutes away and I’m not sure what we are going to do.

Maybe it’s not her time right now but there’s always hope that things

can change. Keep her in your prayers too.

We have been teaching a young couple named Carlos and Merlin. They

have a one year old baby. (We celebrated his birthday yesterday)

Anyways, they are a really wonderful family and we’ve only taught them

a few times and Carlos has been really receptive but Merlin, not so

much. This week we taught the plan of salvation and Carlos was just

eating it up. When we taught about the spirit world and the 3 degrees

of glory he said, “Wow, that makes a lot of sense! Before I thought I

was for sure destined to go to hell but hearing this gives me a lot of

hope!” He wasn’t joking. Later we returned to visit them but only

Merlin was home. We talked to her to find out her doubts and help

resolve her questions and she was really open and honest with us. She

said, “Look, I’m going to be sincere with you, I don’t believe in what

you’re teaching but Carlos does and what you don’t know is that before

he met you two, he didn’t believe in God at all. I’m not sure what

the difference is now but as he’s been listening to your teachings

he’s changed and the main reason I’ve welcomed you into our home is

because its helping him to believe in God” I was super surprised to

hear that because it was something I never would have guessed. He

seemed to be really receptive from the beginning. He even came to

Church with us yesterday and really liked it. (For those of you

returned missionaries reading this understand that it’s a big deal if

an investigator makes it to church. It’s really hard to get people to

come) Anyways it’s amazing to see to power of the effect this message

has on people. People can feel that something is different about our

Church and Carlos can definitely see it. I just hope that Merlin can

soften her heart and realize it too!

Love you and pray for you all!

Hermana Jackson

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday 16 Jan 2012

Dear Family,

Happy Birthday Mom and Tyler! Hope you both have a great week!

I’ve been really enjoying training Hermana Per. She is the BEST! We’ve had a great time together and so many uplifting experiences. So, a little update on the investigators. Denia should be baptized this Saturday. She was hesitant for a while and we asked to pray to ask Heavenly Father if she should be baptized this week and the next morning we asked how her prayer went and she told us about a dream she had that instructed her that this was what she needed to do. Denia is so sensitive to the spirit and we have had so many beautiful experiences with her. Please pray for her this week that she will be able to make it to church. She’s facing a few obstacles in the family where she has to watch the kids and she is the only person in her family that has accepted the gospel so it makes it a little tough. But I know she is strong enough to make it! Also, the Godoy family is planning on being baptized the 28th! Pray for them too! Oh, I just have too many things I want to say and experiences I’ve had where I’ve been learning to follow the spirit but I just don’t have time to share them all. Uurrrg… maybe next week.

Love you all!

Hermana Jackson

Ps here’s a photo of Hermana Per and I in her typical clothing from Guatemala. The skirt she is wearing is the type of thing she wears every day in her home. Isn’t it beautiful?!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday 9 Jan 2012

Dear Family, 9 Jan 2012

Hermana Nava went home this week. Her last day here the lights went out. So she had to pack up all her stuff in the dark with just a few candles and we had to get up at 2:30 in the morning to make it to Tegucigalpa at 8. It was pretty crazy. So, now I am training a new missionary and her name is Hermana Per, pronounced like “pear”. She is from Guatemala and she is absolutely adorable. I’m so excited to train her these next 3 months. I found out that I actually met her before and didn’t realize it! My friend in the MTC, Hermana Mosco, lived in Guatemala for 4 months serving in a language program. She lived with Hermana Per and her family while she was there. While we were in the Guatemala MTC, Hermana Per and her brother were given permission to visit Hermana Masco for 2 minutes outside of the MTC gate and I had to accompany her that day. I think I was her temporary companion for the day or something. So I remember seeing Hermana Per and her brother but I had no idea she would be my companion someday! She didn’t even have her mission call at that point! Small world. Anyways, she is just great. She speaks Spanish, English, and a Mayan language called Cakchichel. I asked her to say a few phrases and it sounds crazy! It’s like French mixed with a bunch of other languages. Anyways, that all I have time to write today. I’ll attach a photo of her so you can see what she looks like.

Love you all!

Hermana Jackson

P.s. Dad, new years was pretty crazy. They set off fireworks alllll night. I slept just fine (with ear plugs) That’s so fun that you took the boys for a fly in the plane. I bet they just loved that!

Ok, so it won't let me attach the photo right now. I’ll try next time. Sorry!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Dear Family, 2 Jan 2012

Guess what…I’m going to be a trainer starting this Wednesday!!! The elders have always teased me that I’m going to train and I always tell them. No! I don´t want to. I don’t speak enough Spanish!! A couple weeks ago an elder told me I was going to train but I thought he was joking like the rest of them. Then afterwards I thought about it and thought what a bad attitude I had and how unwilling I was to give serve. So that night I got down on my knees, asked for forgiveness and told heavenly father that if he wanted me to train, then I would do it willingly. And sure enough the next week my leaders told me I would receive a new sister missionary. So I’ll be sending off one sister to her home and welcoming in a new one. I am actually really excited now. Hopefully all goes well and that I don’t confuse her too much with my crazy Spanish. Haha

Hope you all had a happy new year!


Hermana Jackson