Monday, November 7, 2011

31 Oct 2011

Dear Family, 31 Oct 2011

Happy Halloween! Sounds like you had a great Sunday! I would love to see all the costumes. Could you send me photos next week?

Well, this week Hermana Nava was feelings lost better until we ate lunch with a member and all of a sudden she got up from her seat and ran to the bathroom. She came out of the bathroom scratching her skin like crazy and walking around franticly. She said she felt like her whole body was burning like a fire. She was having some kind of allergic reaction to what we ate. Luckily Isis, the member we always eat with, is a nurse and she took us to a clinic she used to work at that could get her treated faster than the other hospitals. They gave her some kind of anti algergy medicine and now she is fine and we{re back to working!

The other week we were contacting and we found this woman named Jami who was really receptive and accepted another visit with her fiancée. Later we went to Isis’s house to eat and Jami was there sitting at her table! Jami sells avon to her and they are already friends! So we talked to her more and she started to feel more comfortable about the church and I thought everything was going great. So we show up to our appointment this week and her husband is outside working on his truck and tells us he doesn{t want anything to do with us because he is catholic and in the process of trying to get approved by the church to get married to Jami. So we left really disappointed and went on with our week. Then we were at Isis’s house again and Jami and Renee (her husband) called saying they were going to stop by. We quickly decided to kneel down and pray that they might be receptive and listen to a lesson. Dariani, Isis’s daughter gave the most sincere prayer and then they showed. At first they didn{t want to come in when they found out we were there, but eventually they did and we talked for a while. We convinced renee to let us teach a lesson and grudgingly accepted. We started teaching the lesson and I mentioned how we believe that marriage and families can be sealed for eternity. When he heard this his whole countenance changed. Then after we quoted the 1st vision he sound, “how beautiful!” it surprised me how his whole attitude had changed. Its amazing how the spirit works in the hearts of people and how this message really speaks for itself.
Love, and Prayers,

Hermana Jackson

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