Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mon, Sep 26, 2011

Dear Family,
This week we went to Marcala for a training with the President. He basically called us all to repentence and it was really intimidating but good. I learned alot from him. Afterwords, our group got to eat together in a resturant near by. I sat next to an elder who told me about all the scary things he had eaten on his mission so far. He said he ate frogs, rats, turtle and bats! eeew! luckily i haven´t encountered any of those and i hope i never will!
This week we had a baptism for Joseline. Yay! She is really special. Her mom is Hermana Lorena who we baptized a few weeks ago (she´s in one of the pictures holding the baby). In the beginning she wasn´t interested in the church but the week after Lorena and gabby (her sister) were baptized, we were in their house teaching them a lesson and all of a sudden Joseline told us she wanted to be baptized too. It was such a tender mercy! So saturday was her batpism and it was super stressfull becasue she showed up an hour late and pretty much everyone else showed up somewhere in between and the bishop who was supposed to baptize her, didn´t show up at all! But don´t worry, we found another priestood holder that was able to perform the baptism and it went really well. Hermana Aurelia, one of our recent converts (pink shirt on the right) spoke at her baptism. I was a little nervous for her becasue she can´t read and i wasn´t sure how it would go for her, but it turned out to be a really beautiful talk. Also, Lorena bore her testimony after Joseline was baptized and the spirit was so strong. She has such a powerful testimony and so much faith. Also hermana Karen was the other speaker. She was inactive right before i came and now she is really active in the church and is our number one go to person to accompany us during lessons. It was really beautiful to see all of these women together in one room and witness their progress and how much their testimonies have grown.
Hope you all are doing well and getting excited for conference this week becasue I sure am!
All my love,
Hermana Jackson

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