Saturday, October 8, 2011

What a week!

Dear Family, 2 Oct 2011

Did you all just love conference?! I´m sure you did but maybe not as much as I did. No, just kidding. But this was one of the most special conferences I’ve experienced. I will admit that I was praying I could get the chance to listen to it in English. It’s just so much better hearing it from the source and actually understanding everything they´re saying. When we got there Saturday morning the Elders were getting a TV set up in English but the problem was that I was the only sister that spoke English and I’m not supposed to be alone. The elders started making phone calls to see if I could get permission to be with the Elders by myself. So I started to worry and prayed a lot that I would be able to. It was 3 minutes before starting and I still didn´t have permission but the Zone Leader got ahold of the President just before it started and he said I could go! I know it might sound like a little thing and that I should have been so worried about it but I felt so relieved and grateful just like President Monson said when he found his 5 dollar bill or the other speaker who mentioned his experience finding the quarter to buy chicken. Heavenly Father is very much aware of us and loves us so much that the things that the little things that are important to us become important to Him. So during the first session during the beginning of President Packer´s talk, the power went out and we didn´t get to watch the last bit. But we were able to watch the other 3 without problems. Going through all of this made me so much more grateful for the opportunity to listen and I realized what a privilege it is to listen to our Prophet’s voice. Overcoming all of these obstacles made me so much more appreciative attentive. I soaked up every word in contrast to before the mission when I was a little more casual about the event. I also received really specific answers to questions about my investigators. At the beginning of this week we were contacting in the evening and came across a house of 8 college age girls that only spoke English. 4 of them are from the U.S., 2 from England 1 from Jamaica and the other from some island in the Caribbean. They are all here serving at a school teaching English. They were really receptive and had a TON of questions. The second time we taught them they had a bunch of really tough questions about the fall and it really tested me. I´ve learned a lot in the Book of Mormon this week and I think the Spirit helped me out a lot but I felt more motivated to study diligently and understand our doctrine better. The girls weren´t trying to bible bash or anything just asked a lot of whys that I wasn´t able to answer.

I´ve got to go now but I’ll tell you more about them later.

Love you all!

Hope you enjoy the photos, I’ll have to explain those more next week too!

Hermana Jackson

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