Monday, August 22, 2011

Barely got to write!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Dear Family,
Well, it was quite the struggle to write you today! First, Hna alvarado and i encountered a big black bull in the path on our way to the stake center to email. It did not want to let us cross! Hna alvarado started throwing rocks at it and i was scared that it was going to get angry and charge us! but eventually it left. Then I got to the computer and wrote my entire letter to the president and when I sent it, the website was down and lost everything! So i had to write it again and now I only have 10 minutes to write so i´m sorry this is so short!
So last week we baptized Hermano Nacho. Yeah, thats right Naaacchooo! like nacho libro haha. But he is a great man! His wife, hna gladis was a member but inactive for a while. the hermanas before helped her to get active in the church again and helped them towards marriage. so last week we got to witness their wedding. I´ll send a picture of that. And then the same day he was baptized. This week we had 2 more baptisms! We have been really blessed. One of them is hna Yaemi who is 12. She is so sweet! Then there´s Hna Aurelia. We had plans to baptize her earlier but she left town and then started having some doubts. but with lots of prayer, she finally got a confiramtion that it was right, We are really happy for her. Even better was that she was able to get a recommend right after to attend the temple dedication of el Salvador. It was really incredible. Elder Eyering spoke and the spirit was incredible stong. He talked about the joy we will feel being with our families in the celestial kingdom and that all of the is possible becasue of the sacred covenants made in the temple. It made me think of you and of how blessed i am to have such an beautiful loving family and i know that those blessings are availlable to us. He went on to talk about how when we feel that joy, we have a stronger determination to serve the lord with all of our heart so that we can enjoy those blessings. Remember the eternal perspective and all that we do in this life becomes more meaningful. Also, during the dedication, they mentioned Carlos Rivas and thanked him for all of his work to make it possible for the construction of the temple and the dedication. It made me think of that one time he was talking to us at shirleys house about his experience finding the land. Do you remember that Shirl? mom and dad too. You were there. Anyways, i´ve got to run. No time left. So sad. But i love you all!
Hermana Jackson

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