Monday, August 29, 2011


Dear Family, 29 Aug 2011

This week we went to Tegucigalpa for a meeting with the trainees and trainers. I got a big stack of mail from all that has been collecting since July. It was like Christmas reading all of your letters! Thanks! I’ll try to responds as soon as I get time.

So we left for Tegucigalpa early Wednesday morning. We woke up at 2:45. I wanted to die! But I got over it. But I was super tired on the bus and I fell asleep for a little while. When I woke up I looked to my left and saw a new man sitting next to me. "Tengo sueno?" he asked me. "Mucho!" I responded. He asked about my tag and I told him I was a missionary and he said he had met some before. Then we got to talking and I pretty much gave him the first lesson! We talked for about and hour and half and I realized, hey, I’m having a full on conversation in Spanish! He had to help me with a few words and his Spanish is much more clear and enunciated than most people here, but it made me feel good. But what made me feel even better was what we talked about. I started teaching him about the Book of Mormon and he showed a lot of interest! He also showed a lot of interest in me which made me worry a little (men here are not hesitant to say what they think of you) but I brushed his compliments aside and kept talking about the Book of Mormon. He showed sincere interest and desire to learn more. From the questions he asked me, it sounds like he is really spiritually prepared to hear this. It made me so happy! For example, while I was reading the intro to him it said something about asking the Lord to know if it is true. He asked me, “How can I get an answer?” So I started to explain how we pray and feel the spirit. Then I asked him how he felt as I was talking about the Book of Mormon and our Church. He paused and told me, "When I hear people talk, I listen to their words but I also watch their face as well to see if they are lying or being sincere. When I look into your eyes, I know that you are not lying to me. There is a pureness that tells me that you are being sincere and that what you’re saying is true." This just blew me away! I didn’t realize I could communicate that just with my face. It was also almost word for word what Bishop Barrett promised me the night I was set apart to be a missionary. He told me that people would be able to see the light in my eyes and come to know the truth. I never forgot that but it was really cool to see it happen. Sometimes I think we really underestimate the power that is in us to share this light that we have. It gave me so much hope and a lot more confidence to keep pressing forward and trying even if I feel discouraged when I can’t express what I want in Spanish. So, I gave Dagobierto a pamphlet and some reading assignments written down. He said he had a Book of Mormon from years ago but he wasn’t sure where it was and that he would look for it. He also committed to come to church. And guess what... he did! And he had read everything. And he stayed for all 3 meetings. It was great. My first contact on my own! But then we found out that he doesn’t live in our area so the Elders have to teach him instead. I hope he gives them a chance.

Ok, got to go. Times up.

Love you all!

Hermana Jackson

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